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This Outreach Wiki is a resource for sharing information about how field stations implement informal STEM learning through their outreach programs.

Below is the model for the Informal STEM Learning Framework (See the team’s publications). Each outreach program is aligned to the approaches for learner engagement as well as the approaches for science learning.

From 2017 to 2019, 223 (55%) of field stations completed an online survey and 179 (80%) of these stations indicated that they offer informal STEM outreach programs. This wiki features programs these stations profiled – 316 of which are out-of-school, not-for-credit, and focus on STEM topics. Use the Wiki Table of Contents to the right to explore the wiki’s content.

Struminger, R., J. Zarestky, R. A. Short, and A. M. Lawing. 2018. “STEM Educational Outreach at Field Stations.” BioScience.