Biodiversity Inventory Training

Program name: Biodiversity Inventory Training

Field station name: Bard College Field Station

Outreach program type: Other

Years active: 5-10 years

Frequency: Annually

Course credit: No

Outreach program characteristics

[✓ = applies to this outreach program, ✗ = does not apply to this outreach program]

Outreach Goals

  • Build community
  • Disseminate place-based knowledge and/or skills
  • Encourage conservation or environmental stewardship
  • Inspire curiosity
  • Make field station resources available to the public
  • Promote STEM careers
  • Raise awareness of the field station's work
  • Raise money
  • Reach a particular audience
  • Teach about the environment generally
  • Teach researchers how to communicate with the public

Approaches for Learner Engagement

Strands of Informal Science Learning

Outreach Content

Not all topics are directly tied to the place where the program is situated.

  • ✗ Animals
  • ✗ Archeology
  • ✗ Art
  • ✗ Astronomy
  • ✓ Biodiversity
  • ✗ Biology
  • ✗ Botany
  • ✗ Chemistry
  • ✗ Climate
  • ✗ Conservation
  • ✗ Ecology
  • ✗ Ecosystems
  • ✗ Engineering
  • ✗ Environment
  • ✗ Environmental Philosophy
  • ✗ Evolution
  • ✗ Field Science
  • ✗ Fungi
  • ✗ General Science
  • ✗ Genetics
  • ✗ Geographic Information Systems
  • ✗ Land management
  • ✗ Leadership
  • ✗ Learning about Technology
  • ✗ Limnology
  • ✗ Marine Science
  • ✗ Mathematics
  • ✗ Microorganisms
  • ✗ Natural History
  • ✗ Paleontology
  • ✗ Physics
  • ✗ Plants
  • ✗ Preservation
  • ✗ Science Communication
  • ✗ Social Sciences
  • ✗ STEM Career Awareness
  • ✓ Using Technology
  • ✗ Water
  • ✗ Other

Outreach program implementation and planning

People Involved


Preparation & Implementation

Desired Learning Outcomes & Determining Success